Nov 27-30, 2014 2nd Anilao Underwater Photo Competition Festival, 第二屆阿尼洛國際水下攝影比賽
2014/11/27-11/30 第二屆阿尼洛國際水下攝影比賽 2nd Anilao Underwater Photo Competition Festival Yorko很榮幸將續任評審,有興趣的水攝高手們,快來參加吧!活動詳情如下: The...
Sep 19-21, 2014 ADEX China No Limits UW Photo Competition Invited Speaker 特邀主讲人
2014/09/19-09/21 ADEX China 2014 Invited Speaker: Yorko Summer Yorko Summer is a Taiwanese certified dive instructor and travel...
The interview with Gacha magazine, 「Gacha! 寫真玩家」 雜誌專訪
The interview with Gacha magazine, talking my dive experiences, uw photos and more information about how or where to dive in Okinawa,...
Apr 11-13, 2014 ADEX Singapore, Photo/Video Seminar Speaker
Yorko Summer ADEX 2014, Photo/Video Speaker Underwater Photographer, Diver, Journalist Yorko is a Taiwanese certified Dive Instructor...
個人著作:Alii! 帛琉Palau 被時間浪潮遺忘的蔚藍海, 各大書局現已上架,再次感謝大家的支持
內容簡介: 在天堂秘境消失之前,存在海與天之間最後的淨土,你這一生一定要去一次! 在天堂快要消失之前,不要等了,趕快去吧! 美景不會重現、生態不會重建,在這個世界急劇走樣之前,你必須親自體驗,這片被時間浪潮遺忘的蔚藍海。再晚,就來不及了!...