Yorko Summer is a Taiwanese well-known underwater photographer. His multi identities including senior diving instructor, travel journalist, and photography lecturer has recently honored him to be invited as the judge of many international underwater photo contests. Traveling around the countries and tropical world, he is fascinated with shooting colorful underwater ecology and splendid human cultures beyond the horizon. His work has made all the underwater living things especially dashing and lovely.
Since year 2002, Yorko had spent about 6 years in Palau; meanwhile, his passion for the ocean has become stronger. It was the time he started underwater photography and fell in love with the beautiful world ever since. In 2005, Yorko won the grand prize of “Underwater Palau International Photo Festival”; up to date, he has gained experience out of more than 6000 tanks of underwater photography. Aside from his busy work, Yorko likes to share and exchange his unique point of view of all kinds of different underwater photos and knowledge through the internet with other people who share the same idea and also in love with the ocean.
Recent years, Yorko pays more focus on teaching underwater photography and promoting marine conservation and education. Also, he has been invited by the Tourism Bureau of many countries including Japan Okinawa, Republic of the Philippines, Yap Island, Marianas, Seychelles and Republic of Fiji, to advertise and give speeches of the stories behind his pictures, with his humor and breezy way to say it. His works can be found on the internet, reading papers, magazines, or his own photography exhibitions. In 2014, Yorko was honored as "Photographer Of The Week" by DPG (Dive Photo Guide) and one of the top Chinese underwater photographers by Radio Television Hong Kong, and they also produced Yorko’s life story into documentaries called “An Ocean Rover“.
Yorko Summer是一位國際矚目的華人水下攝影家,也是中、港、台最受歡迎並擁有超高人氣的水攝專家之一,除此之外他也是一位資深的潛水教練,同時身兼旅遊作家、攝影講師…等多重身分,近年來更經常受邀擔任國際水下攝影大賽的評審。個人足跡遍及許多國家與熱帶島嶼,迷戀於用鏡頭來捕捉海平面以下精彩的生態影像、與海平面以上豐富的人文風情。尤其他戲劇化的打光技巧,以及獨特的作品風格,讓水下生物的模樣看來特別可愛討喜、色彩特別鮮豔迷人。
自2002年起,Yorko曾於帛琉(Palau)生活約6年的時間,同時也點燃起對大海無比的熱情,並開始積極投入潛水攝影的領域,於2005年更榮獲「帛琉國際水下攝影節」的競賽首獎 (Underwater Palau International Photo Festival “Grand Prize”)。目前Yorko大部分的時間都在世界各地旅行拍攝,至今共累計超過6000潛以上的水下拍攝經驗。而於繁忙的拍攝工作之餘,Yorko會透過不同的網路平台,用自己獨特的觀點與視角,來分享這些體態樣貌千奇百怪的水下生物照片,並交流解析相關的海洋知識,因此累積了為數不少的潛攝同好關注。
近年來Yorko更加專注於潛水攝影的指導、與海洋生態保育概念的推廣,也獲邀與日本沖繩觀光會議局(Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau)、菲律賓觀光局(Philippine Department of Tourism)、雅浦觀光局(Yap Visitor Bureau)、馬里亞納觀光局(Marianas Visitors Authority)、塞席爾觀光局(Seychelles Tourism Board)、斐濟觀光局(Tourism Fiji)…等合作,宣傳與介紹當地的潛水觀光活動。除了潛水拍照之外,他也經常受邀於各地演講,用他幽默與輕鬆的演說方式,來解說他所拍攝的照片以及圖片背後的故事。作品散見於網路、報章、雜誌、或個人攝影展出。
Yorko曾於全球知名水攝網站DPG(Dive Photo Guide)遴選為Photographer of the week,也被潛水雜誌Scuba Diver/Ocean Planet特刊遴選為全球不可不知的水下攝影師之一,亦被香港電台(RTHK)評選為傑出華人水下攝影師之一,並將他個人的故事,製作成影片「以海為家」播出。近期台灣潛水行腳節目【水下三十米】,與中國最受潛水員所關注的潛水節目【潛行家】,也都特別邀請他來當擔任嘉賓,用達人身份帶路,並暢談他的潛水人生。
Partners & Sponsors (listed in alphabetical order):
Audaxpro, Canon Taiwan, FunDive China, Liberty Dive Resort Tulamben, MOBBY'S, Nauticam, Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau, Philippines Department of Tourism, SEA & SEA, Sony Taiwan, Xpert Holidays, 馬里亞納觀光局, 台灣觀光局東部海岸國家風景區管理處
馬里亞納海洋觀光代言人 Marianas Ocean Sightseeing Ambassador
台灣綠島海洋觀光大使 Ocean Tourism Ambassador of Green Island
ADEX Ambassador for Photography (大中華區)
SEA&SEA Featured UW Photographer
中华水下摄影艺术家学会 (CUPAS) 创始会 员 Chinese Underwater Photo Artists Society/Oringinal Member
Judge Experience/評審資歷:
Voice of The Ocean 2017 (China) Underwater Photo Competition
Fun Dive Safari 2nd Underwater Photo Contest 2016
4rd China Underwater Photo Contest 2016
3rd Anilao International Underwater Photo Competition 2015 -
3rd China Underwater Photo Contest 2015 -
20015 影像海灣水下攝影比賽
2015 Image-Bay Underwater Photography Competition by National Museum of Marine Science & Technology -
2014 菲律賓阿尼洛第二屆國際水下攝影大賽
2nd Anilao International Underwater Photo Competition 2014 -
2014 ADEX 亞洲潛水展無限制水下攝影大賽
ADEX China No Limits Photo Competition 2014 -
2014 中國水下攝影大賽(第二屆)
2nd China Underwater Photo Contest 2014 -
2014 澳亞水下攝影大賽
Australasia Underwater Photo Competition 2014 -
2014 海洋之聲水下攝影大賽
Voice of The Ocean 2014 Underwater Photo Competition -
2013 菲律賓阿尼洛第一屆國際水下攝影比賽
1st Anilao International Underwater Photo Competition 2013