Sep 19-21, 2014 ADEX China No Limits UW Photo Competition Invited Speaker 特邀主讲人
2014/09/19-09/21 ADEX China 2014 Invited Speaker: Yorko Summer Yorko Summer is a Taiwanese certified dive instructor and travel journalist who has visited many countries and exotic islands. Being an underwater photographer, he loves to spend time taking photographs from the unique and amazing underwater world, as well as the vast culture around the world. He has lived in the exotic island of Palau for six years, where he fell in love with the mysterious, yet elegant, oceanic world and its inhabitants. In recent years, he has often visited the Micronesian Islands, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia and he currently resides frequently in Shanghai, China and Taiwan. Catch Yorko Summer's Talk at ADEX China 2014!
Yorko是一位来自台湾的水中摄影家(Under Water Photographer),也是资深的潜水教练(PADI Dive Instructor),同时又具备有旅游作家(Travel Writer)、国际领队(International Tour Leader)等多重身分,足迹遍及许多国家与热带岛屿,并迷恋于用镜头来捕捉海平面以下精彩的生态影像,与海平面以上丰富的人文风情, 近年来尤其专注于潜水摄影的指导,与海洋生态保育概念的推广,个人作品散见于网路、报章、杂志。Yorko曾于帕劳(Palau)生活约6年的时间,同时也点燃起对大海无比的热情,并开始积极投入潜水摄影的领域,自此深深爱上美丽的水下世界。
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