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Nov 27-30, 2014 2nd Anilao Underwater Photo Competition Festival, 第二屆阿尼洛國際水下攝影比賽

2014/11/27-11/30 第二屆阿尼洛國際水下攝影比賽 2nd Anilao Underwater Photo Competition Festival Yorko很榮幸將續任評審,有興趣的水攝高手們,快來參加吧!活動詳情如下: The Philippines has long been a world renowned diving destination. Its location at the apex of the Coral Triangle has made it the epicentre of marine biodiversity, with an abundant and diverse concentration of marine life. Home to the best dive sites in the world such as Anilao in Batangas, that is arguably one of the richest macro diving destinations in the world and a dream dive spot for underwater photographers. Anilao has one of the highest concentrations of diverse marine life on the planet, including over 90% of the coral species, rich reefs and a staggering number of small fish and unexpected critters and nudibranchs around every corner. As the period from October to May is considered as the best diving season in Anilao, it is high time that the Philippines capitalizes on its strengths as a dive destination, at the same time provide maximum exposure to our key markets by staging a high impact international dive event. Department of Tourism of the Philippines organized a 2nd Dive festival for the UW Photographers from Nov. 27 to 30 2014 This event is open to all the uw photographers with 2 (Compact and DSLR) divisions. A. Prizes Prizes will be over 30,000 Us$ value of dive and photo goods and vouchers B. Judges: 1. Ken Thongpila (Austrailia) Founder of UWMP group 2. Mike Bartick (USA) 3. Mimmo Roscigno (Italy) Dive photo journalist 4. Scott Gutsy Tuazon (Philippines) Squires Bingham Sports 5. Yorko Summer (Taiwan) Underwater Photographer and dive travel journalist ** Competition Mechanics ** A. Competition Classes Open Class: Open to all participants using any kind of camera of their choosing. Published and professional photographers are automatically placed in Open Class. Compact Class: Exclusive for participants using compact cameras without interchangeable lenses. DSLR, Mirrorless and Micro 4/3 cameras are not allowed. B. Categories 1. Macro/SuperMacro Photography: Any close up photo of any underwater subject using macrolenses and/or close up lenses. 2. Marine Behavior: Any photograph shot to display specific behavior of marine life underwater. 3. Nudibranch Portrait: Profile photos of any specie of nudibranchs, sea slugs. Flat worms are not included. 4. Crustacean Portrait: Profile photos of any specie of crustaceans (shrimps, crabs, lobsters etc.) 5. Portfolio (DOT photographer of the year): The winner will be judged based on the four main categories mentioned above. C. Winners Every category for every class will have 3 winners: Best, Second, and Third Prize. There will be a total of 30 awards. ** Each participant can only win once in the 4 main categories (portfolio not included). The winner will automatically get the highest prize. Portfolio Category winners can win one other category prize. D. Competition Mechanics The competition is open to all local and international, amateur and professional photographers. Each participant can only compete in one class, either Open or Compact. Each participant can submit a maximum of 4 photos, one in each category. Only photos taken on the shootout dates (November 27-29, 2014) are eligible. Only photos taken in Anilao (Mabini-Tingloy) are eligible. Images must be taken in Open Water. Photos taken in artificial environments such as aquariums and pools are not eligible. All organizing bodies, including DOT representatives, judges, and volunteers are disqualified to join the competition. The judges’ decisions are final. E. Conservation and Underwater Conduct The competition will uphold the strictest standards in respect for marine life and will tolerate zero marine life handling. Any photo submitted displaying the following would automatically be disqualified: Divers exhibiting destructive contact to marine environment. Animals visibly stressed. Animals in unnatural environments. Animals being fed by divers. Any form of contact by divers to marine life. F. Post Processing Post processing will be allowed for this competition with the following guidelines: Minimal image manipulation (sharpening, color correction, removal of back scatters) is allowed. Maximum of 10% cropping is allowed. Masking, healing, and cloning are not allowed. Original RAW, JPEG files will be required as reference to the finished photograph. G. File Entry Format Competitors should submit both original and processed photos. Original Photos should be submitted in original filename (RAW or JPG). Processed Photos should be in jpg and renamed in below format <CATEGORY>_<CLASS>_<YOURNAME>.jpg Ex: MACRO_OPEN_JUANDELACRUZ.jpg MARINEBEHAVIOR_COMPACT_JUANDELACRUZ.jpg NUDIBRANCH_OPEN_JUANDELACRUZ.jpg CRUSTACEAN_OPEN_JUANDELACRUZ.jpg H. Copyright In submitting an entry, the participant, as owner of the photograph, grants DOT the use of his entry or entries, no more than two (2)years from Awarding Ceremonies for promotion of the competition in printed,slide show, video, and web page formats, and for non-profit educational purposes. Copyright will be retained by the participant and recognition will begiven. Model releases will be the responsibility of the photographer. I. Registration All participants are required to register at Aiyanar Beach and Dive Resort prior to shooting. Registration can be made everyday from November 27-29, 2014, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Cameras to be used for the duration of competition must be presented during registration. J. Submission Entries are accepted everyday from November 27-29, 2014, 8:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Aiyanar Beach and Dive Resort Deadline of submission is at 10:00 a.m of November 30, 2014. K. Awarding Awarding ceremony and farewellparty will be at Aiyanar Beach and Dive Resort 2nd Anilao UW Photo Festival 中文介紹與參賽規則 菲律賓擁有許多眾所皆知的知名潛水勝地,更由於位處於珊瑚金三角帶的頂端,此區海域匯聚成一處精彩且充滿多樣的海洋生物集散地。 菲律賓世界知名的潛水勝地例如位於Batangas的阿尼洛(Anilao),這裡是毋庸置疑的世界級最佳微距潛場,也是所有潛水員及水下攝影師最愛的夢幻潛點。阿尼洛是全球水下生物密集度最高的區域之一,擁有超過九成的珊瑚種類、豐富的珊瑚礁群、無數的熱帶魚、特殊的海洋物種以及稀有罕見的海蛞蝓,在海平面下的每一處,都能有驚喜的發現與收獲。 每年十月至隔年五月,是阿尼洛最佳的潛水季節,在這段時間裡,這裡也是菲律賓最多人造訪的潛水地點之一,大量的曝光度讓菲律賓潛水市場獲得了更多人的關注,也促成了本次國際潛水活動的再次舉辦。 由菲律賓觀光局(DOT)所主辦的第二屆阿尼洛國際潛水節暨水下攝影大賽,活動期間為2014年11月27日起至11月30日止。本活動開放給來自世界各地的水下攝影師參加,競賽單元包含卡片機組與單眼機組(含微單相機)。 A. 獎品 總獎品金額超過30000美金,包含了潛水行程、潛水器材、消費折價券…等。 B. 大賽評審 1. Ken Thongpila (澳大利亞) 2. Mike Bartick (美國) 3. Mimmo Roscigno (義大利) 4. Scott Gutsy Tuazon (菲律賓) 5. Yorko Summer (台灣) ** 競賽使用機材分組 ** A. 競賽組別 開放組:這個組別不限任何相機使用,但知名或專業的水下攝影師,則自動歸納入本組。 卡片機組:本組別僅開放給使用卡片機拍攝者參加(即相機無法更換鏡頭之機種)。單眼及微單拍攝作品則不允許參加本組競賽。 B. 參賽類別 1. 微距/超微距: 參賽作品拍攝內容,使用微距鏡頭或外掛加倍鏡,以任何水中生物近攝題材為主。 2. 生物行為: 參賽作品拍攝內容,以水中生物特殊行為或習性為主題。 3. 海蛞蝓寫真: 參賽作品拍攝內容包含所有種類的海蛞蝓(含海兔、扁蟲)。 4. 甲殼類寫真: 參賽作品拍攝內容包含所有甲殼類(例如蝦、蟹、龍蝦…等) 5. 個人作品集(DOT年度最佳水下攝影師): 由大賽評審群,從參賽者作品集(含上述四組類別),挑選綜合表現最佳者獲獎。 C. 優勝者 每一類別的每一組別,都將分別遴選出前3名優勝者:金獎,銀獎,銅獎,共有30張作品將最終獲選。 ** 每一位參賽者只能獲選以上四個類別的其中一名(個人作品集則不在此限,作品可重複獲選於其他類別)獲獎者將自動保留於最佳名次。作品集獲奬者則可同時獲得其他類別的名次。 D. 競賽規則 - 本次競賽開放給菲律賓當地與其他來自國際的專業或業餘潛水攝影師。 - 每一位參賽者只可以選擇單一組別,開放組別或卡片機組別。 - 每一位參賽者每一類別最多可繳交4張作品。 - 參賽作品必須是於大賽期間2014年11月27日至29日所拍攝。 - 參賽作品必須是於阿尼洛(Anilao)區域所拍攝。 - 參賽作品必須是取材自海洋中的開放水域,如果照片拍攝於人造環境,例如水族館、游泳池,則將不為採用。 - 所有大賽工作人員,包含菲律賓觀光局之代表、大賽評審或相關自願協助工作者,則不允許參加本次比賽,避免有失公允。 - 比賽結果以大賽評審最終決定為主。 E. 環境保護與水下拍攝行為之規範 本次競賽將維持最高規格的把關標準,請尊重並絕對不允許傷害任何海洋生物或造成環境破壞,如有任何參賽作品不遵從以下規範,將自動取消作品參賽資格。 - 禁止潛水員觸碰或傷害海洋環境。 - 海洋生物明顯受到人為驚嚇。 - 海洋生物位處於非自然的環境或物件上。 - 海洋生物為潛水員餵食所拍攝的畫面。 - 任何作品有明顯為潛水員觸碰海洋生物所拍攝的畫面。 F.照片後製處理規範 - 照片後製處理只要遵守以下條件規範可被接受,例如圖片銳化、色彩校正、移除雜點。 - 最大圖片可被裁剪比例為10%。 - 圖片遮罩使用、修復、複製,則不被允許。 - 圖片原始檔案(RAW)以及JPG檔案將被要求提供審視。 G.作品繳交格式 - 參賽者繳交作品時,必須同時提供原始照片以及後製過的參賽照片。 - 繳交的原始照片必須必須保留原始檔名的RAW檔或JPG檔。 - 後製過的參賽照片必須為JPG檔並請更改為以下交件檔名範例。 <CATEGORY>_<CLASS>_<YOURNAME>.jpg <參賽類別>_<機材組別>_<參賽者姓名>.jpg (請用英文填寫) 範例如下: MACRO_OPEN_JUANDELACRUZ.jpg MARINEBEHAVIOR_COMPACT_JUANDELACRUZ.jpg NUDIBRANCH_OPEN_JUANDELACRUZ.jpg CRUSTACEAN_OPEN_JUANDELACRUZ.jpg H. 著作權相關 參賽時,所有參加者,也是圖片所有者,必須允許提供菲律賓觀光局於頒獎公布兩年內無償使用,於印刷、投影片、影片視頻、網路宣傳格式以及提供教育計劃。著作權保留給圖片所有者,使用時也會注明拍攝者姓名。 ** 如圖片內有人物出現,則使用責任歸屬於參賽攝影師負責,避免造成大會困擾。 I. 參賽登記 所有參賽者必須於拍攝開始前於Aiyanar Beach and Dive Resort 登記參賽,登記處開放時間為2014年11月27日至29日,上午8點-下午6點,請記得攜帶於比賽期間將使用拍攝的相機至現場登記。 J. 作品交件 參賽登記時間為2014年11月27日至29日,上午8點-下午6點,地點為Aiyanar Beach and Dive Resort,最終作品交件期限為2014年11月30日上午10點前,逾時恕不受理。 K. 頒獎典禮(結果公佈) 頒獎典禮暨活動派對將於2014年11月30日在Aiyanar Beach and Dive Resort舉辦。

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